Not happy having my picture taken anymore

They used to take class pictures back when your mother and I were kids. I’m not sure if they still do, what with everything being digital now. Anyway, second grade was no exception in our case.

The day we all received our envelopes, we tore into them vigorously to see the results. I did the same. As I sat there studying the faces in the picture, a murmur started among my classmates which quickly grew to a distracting cacophony. By the time I looked up, I saw that many of my classmates were huddled around Jacques’ desk. Some were pointing at the picture and mumbling words I couldn’t hear followed by bursts of laughter. There were sniggers behind hands, as the occasional pair of eyes looked over at me then back at the photo, then more sniggers.

One by one, they noticed I was watching them, until one, then another, and another began pantomiming crooked pigtails, and bucked teeth. I remember a lot of name calling after that, until the teacher finally stepped in and corralled everyone back to their desks.

For the following few years, I wore my hair down and didn’t smile for class photos. The one your mother has in her book is one of those years. She mistakenly labeled it as second grade, but it’s probably more like fourth or fifth. Also, I’m fifth from the right (not left), second row.

Sue’s grade 4 or 5 class photo. I’m fifth from the right.