Here’s how I think dysfunction affected our family. These are only my opinions and I welcome your thoughts and comments.

Out of all of us, Lisa seems the most invested in preserving her past as purely estimable, as a better way to have been raised than most. Maybe that’s how she remembers it. By my recollection though, it was no cakewalk and in fact, it had detrimental effects on all of us. I’ll grant herRead more "Frank’s World 2.0"
The short answer is neither. Nevertheless, I think your mother would prefer that her perspective be the only legitimate version of events. For a short while, a thought the same about my own, that my version was the only accurate one. It’s hard to learn how to hold both truths simultaneously, let alone see theRead more "Who’s Right And Who’s Wrong?"
Lisa once conceded that “the fact that we eventually came to laugh at you… was self-defense.” Now, I don’t know exactly who the “we” is that she referred to because Virginia could hardly have been afraid of me. The kids in my class at Lycee weren’t scared of me either, they were too busy holdingRead more "LISA IS NO UNICORN"